2023-10-31 11:51:25 来源:美术网 作者:美术网友投稿 阅读量:7489
徐悲鸿(1895-1953年),汉族,原名徐寿康,江苏宜兴市屺亭镇人。中国现代画家、美术教育家。曾留学法国学西画,归国后长期从事美术教育,先后任教于国立中央大学艺术系、北平大学艺术学院和北平艺专。1949年后任中央美术学院院长。擅长人物、走兽、花鸟,主张现实主义,于传统尤推崇任伯年,强调国画改革融入西画技法,作画主张光线、造型,讲求对象的解剖结构、骨骼的准确把握,并强调作品的思想内涵,对当时中国画坛影响甚大,与张书旗、柳子谷三人被称为画坛的“金陵三杰”。所作国画彩墨浑成,尤以奔马享名于世。 Xu Beihong (1895-1953), a Han nationality, was originally named Xu Shoukang, a native of Qiting Town, Yixing City, Jiangsu Province. Modern Chinese painters and art educators. He studied western painting in France and was engaged in art education for a long time after returning home. He taught in the Department of Art of National Central University, the Art College of Peiping University and Peiping Art College successively. He became president of the Central Academy of Fine Arts after 1949. Being good at characters, animals, flowers and birds, advocating realism, especially Ren Bonian in the tradition, emphasizing the integration of traditional Chinese painting reform into Western painting techniques, painting advocates light, shape, stressing the accurate grasp of the anatomical structure and skeleton of the objects, and emphasizing the ideological connotation of the works, had a great impact on the Chinese painting circle at that time, and Zhang Shuqi and Liu Zigu were called the "three masters of Jinling" in the painting circle. His paintings are full of colour and ink, especially his horse running.
展品作者:赵佶展品年代:宋代展品数量:28幅展览日期:2018/8/16 开始看展中国团扇一般在扇面画上仕女图。日本通常用在艺伎表演时,古代日本有用其作为族徽。团扇系中国的发明,又名纨扇,而后传入日本。团扇在奈良时代由唐朝传入日本。在日本最......
展品作者:赵佶展品年代:宋代展品数量:36幅展览日期:2018/8/16 开始看展中国团扇一般在扇面画上仕女图。日本通常用在艺伎表演时,古代日本有用其作为族徽。团扇系中国的发明,又名纨扇,而后传入日本。团扇在奈良时代由唐朝传入日本。在日本最......
展品作者:唐岱展品年代:清朝展品数量:12幅展览日期:2018/8/15 开始看展唐岱 (1673-1752后)〔清〕字毓东,号静岩,又号知生、爱庐、默庄,满洲正蓝旗人。承祖爵,任骁骑参领,官内务府总管,以画祗候内廷。山水画初从焦秉贞学,后......
展品作者:吕纪展品年代:清朝展品数量:16幅展览日期:2018/6/15 开始看展吕纪(1477~?),中国明代画家。字廷振,号乐愚。鄞(今浙江宁波)人。以画被召入宫,值仁智殿,授锦衣卫指挥使。擅花鸟、人物、山水,以花鸟著称于世。Lu Ji......
展品作者:马远展品年代:南宋展品数量:18幅展览日期:2018/12/2 开始看展马远(生卒年不详)南宋画家,字遥父,号钦山,河中(今山西永济)人,生长在钱塘(今浙江杭州)。出身绘画世家,南宋宋光宗、宋宁宗两朝画院待诏。擅画山水、人物、花鸟......
展品作者:王士祯展品年代:明末清初展品数量:26幅展览日期:2018/12/18 开始看展王士祯(1634年9月17日—1711年6月26日),原名王士禛,字子真,一字贻上,号阮亭,又号渔洋山人,世称王渔洋,谥文简。早年诗作清丽......
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